Friday, October 28, 2011

Things cats do and get away with

If you don't already know, I'm telling you now: I love cats. I sometime wish I was one of them; they have such an easy life.

I was looking at mine today, they were laying in a patch of sun, sleeping and looking perfectly content.  Here is what they do all day; mine anyway. They wake us up very early in the morning because they want to go out, and then they want to come in, and they want to go out again and then in again, or sometime just in between.  A good thing my boyfriend is an early riser. Once that's done they want to eat, so they jump on the bed to get me up to feed them, which of course I oblige. Then they want to go out again, unless they're not sure because it's too cold or rainy or windy or whatever. In that case, they usually end up sitting halfway in, halfway out, in the middle of the open door thinking about if they should go or not. And of course yours truly is waiting for them to decide. When they do make up their mind, it's usually to change it a couple of seconds later. Do I get angry at them? ......Oh no, I just open the door once more.  I’ve read somewhere that cats are their own master, and of course they are, they're the rulers and we are mere servants at their beck and call; well I am.  No wonder the Egyptians worshiped them as Gods. 

Imagine if your kids behaved that way.  Actually I should say: imagine when your kids behave this way.  Do you open the door back and forth when they’re screaming and scratching at the screen door?  No, you do it once or twice, if you’re a very good and particularly patient parent, and then you tell them (well that maybe a pretty timid word for what you actually do) it’s either in or out. Even the dog couldn’t behave that way and get away with it again and again and again.  So why can cats?  Because…………they’re cats, and they thoroughly believe that they are entitled to everything they want.  Children too for that matter.  So, again the question: why do we let cats get away with it?  I have no good answers other than, they're cats and they do what they want.

Now to illustrate my point: Cats and doors  

From The Bored Ninja Website
By the way, I just let the cats out for the 50th time today. Want to bet they come back in the next couple of minutes?

If you did, you have lost my friend.  Sachat just wanted in...........again.


  1. On dit qu'en amour, il y a souvent un dominant et un dominé. Mais quand ce rapport devient clairement inégal, le quotidien devient oppressant. Quand et comment réagir pour retrouver l'harmonie dans son couple ?Auteure Mathilde Reneaud Journal des femmes
    Ce principe est aussi applicable pour les chats et leurs maîtres&maîtresses !

  2. Merci pour le commentaire, je prendrai soin d'aller consulter le texte. Je dois ajouter que le billet sur mes chats est présenté de façon humoristique et ils sont loin de mener la baraque comme on dit en bon québécois.
    Au plaisir de lire vos prochains commentaires
