Friday, August 19, 2011

What annoys the heck out of me

Thinking that you finally figured out something and finding out that you still don’t understand squat.  That stands for men as well as for web programming.  Not that anyone can make sense out of a man.

People that listen to their car sound system so loud, you can hear it from your living room that is two blocks away, even if your windows are closed.  Although, I must confess, I’m probably guilty of that one. Oh…. but just once or twice.

Reading articles in the paper written as if government scandals, corruption and bribery were a new thing.  It’s been the way of the world since God created Adam and Eve.  Not that I think that God literally created Man.  I would rather think that evolution was responsible for that.

The stock market being more temperamental than a 2 year-old or acting as if it has bipolar disease.  Maybe it needs a couple of sessions on a psychiatrist couch and a big dose of xanax.

The American government playing at who’s gonna say uncle first, while the rest of the world is losing faith in Uncle Sam. 

Seeing a car, well more realistically, a blur speed by at 160km/h and not hearing police sirens.  But have police sirens blast at you, on a Sunday afternoon, on a quiet street because you slid your stop just a little bit too much.

Being stuck in traffic on the Champlain Bridge, hoping that you won’t fall in the river.  That darn thing is only 50 years old (built 1962) and decaying fast.  If it was a person it would be in intensive care plugged into a ventilator on high doses of morphine.  When you compare it to the Pont Victoria that’s been there since the late 1800’s it’s pretty pathetic.

All relaxed watching TV when you're suddently jolted out of your couch, thinking that you've been attacked by a screaming army.  When in fact it's only the commercial break on TV.  Do they really think we'll listen to them if they scream in your ears? Don't they know we all have a mute button on our remote.
TV stations featuring movies with less commercials when in fact they may be less frequent but are twice as long.  Which can be considered a good thing since it gives you the time to clean the dishes, vacuum, put the kids to bed and feed the cats without missing a word of your movie.
Here is a link to a site that lists commun people pet peeves but, be careful if long lists annoy you because there's about 500 of them.

Disclaimer: The comments on this post are personal thoughts of the author and are not meant to offend or disrespect anybody but, just to expose the author’s opinion and point of view.  Pictures for this post were tacken on the Web and, as far as the author knows copyrights were not violated.  If this is one of your pictures and you don't want it used by a third party please let me know. 

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