Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New site

This is a new site just starting.  It is my site, nothing special, just my site.  I hope you will enjoy it and send me your comments.   

As its name say, it will be about everything and nothing.  Mostly it will be about things I like and what interests me.  Sometimes it might be about things I don't like that much and, I just need to talk about to calm down a bit.  One thing is sure; there will be a lot of pictures, for photography is one thing I love to do.

Here is a small preview.

These pictures were taken along a footpath following la rivière des Mille Iles this spring.  I find it amazing that when you look carefully how many species of wild flowers you can say so close to your backyard.  These are the early bloomers; April to June. 

I will post more as they start appearing along the path.

Sanguinaire du Canada, Basses Laurentides, avril 2011

Trille blanc, Basses Laurentides, mai 2011

Anémone du Canada, Basses Laurentides, mai 2011

Violette septentrionale, Basses Laurentides, mai 2011

 Please come back later for more original content